H.E Baraka Obama President of the United States of America has comfirmed to visit kenya for only 8 hours.
The US Navy Seals will be in charge of all water bodies in East Africa.
The  USA Secret Service, CIA,FBI will take over the Role of kenya defense forces and all armed forces in Kenya.
Jommo Kenyatta International Airport will be closed to only accomodate Airforce one.No kenyan Airport Staff will be around inside or near Airport.The USA Aviation authority and Pentagon will take charge.
The EAst Africa Airspace will directly be controlled from Washington dc and with USA raddars based in North Africa and in indian Ocean.
The USA Abraham Licoln Naval War Ship and Naval Carrier will dock at the mombasa coast of indian ocean and it is expected to be a launch pad for the USA B52 Bombers.
The US War Ship manufactured for instant electricity supply will be stationed in indian ocean to add of electricity supply to the US installments and CIA operations command centres in kenya.
There will be no work in kenya for three days.
All major roads in kenya will be closed and controlled by satelite from Texas USA operations command centre as well as controlled by usa army in nairobi.
No commercial ship will be allowed to dock in mombasa.
The president obama motorcade will consist of over 100 Hi_tech Armoured Vehicles which can themselves repulse and control a B10 or any bomb device.
For 8 hours, all mobile numbers in somalia will be off.
The Presidential guard of Kenya will not be allowed near H.E Kenyatta apart from only hid ADC and a secretary.
The US NASA will ensure that the world above the earth which is controlled by USA willl control kenya space and entire africa space using the NASA satelites which are on the Moon, the mars,etc.
The NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization will take charge of Raddars and flight control in all countries in Africa..

God bless America.

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